Global city, international tourism magnet and real estate hub
Berlin again ranked #1 for Real Estate in 2018 by PwC
Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Europe is a trends and forecast publication now in its 13th edition produced by PwC.
The report is widely seen as an authoritative source of information in the real estate industry worldwide, surveying over 700 industry experts in the creation of the report.
“Germany replaces the UK as Europe’s Number 1 safe haven”
For 2018 Berlin is ranked #1 for real estate in Europe, for the 3rd year in a row. According to the report, four out of the top five leading cities for overall investment and development prospects in 2017 are located in Germany, reinforcing the country’s role as the new haven for capital in Europe.
Berlin: “Gateway to Europe“
Industry leaders agree that Berlin is a city full of opportunities, with a still underdeveloped real estate sector. The housing demand continues to be strong, with an estimated 60,000 newcomers arriving in Berlin just in 2016. The city is becoming more international, with a healthy jobs market and a trendy reputation. Unemployment is at a historic low in the city, meaning more disposable income to enjoy Berlin’s growing cosmopolitan lifestyle.
“Berlin is now established alongside London and Paris as a large, highly liquid real estate market with truly global appeal.”